Digital Forensics

Digital Forensics
We are experienced experts in digital forensics.
Cell Phone & Mobile Device Forensics
We conduct/interpret engine computer downloads and perform full DOT inspections. We always bring a portable compressor to inspect air brake systems and brake adjustments. We inspect electronics in the power unit and the trailer. We have experience in all CMV safety technologies such as Wabco’s On Guard, Bendix’s Wingman, Detroit Diesel’s Assurance, and various dash-cam systems.

Cell Phones/Tablets
Little needs to be said about the prevalence of and distraction to driving by smart phones. There are very few cases in which we do not analyze cell phone/tablet use for distraction caused by voice/data usage, including use of apps which do not leave a cellular track. We use a variety of software & equipment, including the law enforcement standard; Cellebrite.

Driver & Industry Standards
We have background in CDL training and providing FMCSR compliance consulting to motor carriers (including safety management plans).

Heavy Truck & Passenger Vehicle Electronics
We use the latest technology to examine digital data associated with crashes to determine causation. We use CDR Cam plus as well as the newest CDR 900 systems to read/interpret data from passenger vehicle airbag systems. We use software to read heavy truck & passenger vehicle diagnostic trouble codes to determine whether vehicle malfunctions contributed to crashes. We were among the first in the nation to utilize iVe software to read/interpret infotainment system data from vehicles (speed, gps tracking, event data, etc.).

Deposition Assistance
We assist council by proposing questions based on FMCSR requirements, CDL driver training, and industry standards, adopted to the case at hand.

We inspect motor carrier documentation required to be retained by FMCSR to review driver vetting and training, vehicle inspection & maintenance, and motor carrier safety history and compliance to FMCSRs. The records that we inspect include driver’s hours-of-service (paper & digital) for fatigue causing violations.

Crash Scene Documentation
It is an art to read crash scene evidence. We have utilized drones to document scenes since 2017, using Pix-4-D software. The software uses multi-ray photogrammetry to produce scale 3-D images. The image of the scene can be used to measure evidence that may have been captured in police photos but not measured by police.

Video Evidence
Home and business security cameras, as well as dash cams and even cell phone video capture an increasing number of crash events. We utilize Input Ace video software (used by numerous police agencies) to fully capture digital records which are lost or corrupted by most common players.